Amalfi vs Oxford, a rowing story

Saturday September 20th 2014 the old independent republic Amalfi, one of the 4 republics in Italy with the greatest maritime power in the X century, will host “Blues together”, the master competition for rowing boats.

But that’s not the big news! On this occasion famous and foreigners competitors have decided to challenge the supremacy of the Amalfitan rowing team. The crème of the British rowing tradition of the Oxford University will land, emmmm dock in Amalfi to try to defeat the local athletes.6 races will take place on Sept 20th (male, female and 4 mixed teams) will challenge each other in the coastal rowing competition, which means a 4-seats boats race over 750 metres.

Thames vs Thyrrenian, River vs Sea, Richard Fishlock vs Francesco Noio. Whoever will be the winner, this first competition is going to be epic, probably like the maritime battles that took places in the same waters 2ooo years ago.

On the same day of the races (which start at 17.45), tours of the amazing Amalfi coast will be organised for tourists. I will let you know who wins on this blog, don’t miss the update on Sunday!