#FOOD #BLOG #AWARD 2014 in #Naples, the best of the best blogs about food to compete to win the prize. See the photos of the food blogs participating on FB https://www.facebook.com/malvarosa.edizioni?ref=hl. Can food be so lovely but also so inviting at the same time?? I am already hungry 🙂
Submissions open for food blogers until September 30th – send an email to amministrazione@malvarosaedizioni.it including name of the blog, name of the blogger, email address and the category of the blog.
2) pubblicare sulla pagina fb di Malvarosa https://www.facebook.com/malvarosa.edizioni?ref=hl la foto che meglio rappresenta il vostro blog scrivendo nel post il nome del blog e la dicitura THE FOOD BLOG AWARDS 2014.